Archive for September, 2011

September 6, 2011

Cravings = Your Intuition?

What do you c-c-c-crave? Coffee?  Chips? Chocolate?   Whatever it is, did you know that most people associate cravings with GUILT?  Think about it.  What is your craving?  The indulgent, “so good yet so bad for you” food that you Must. Have. Right. Now., right?  While many times it is an addiction to foods (yes, that’s right), this article will help you to rethink what that really means and hopefully educate you to look at (and tackle) cravings in a new light.

The Terrible Two

Let’s start with the most common craves that we can all relate to.  Caffeine and Sugar.  These two are known as the terrible two only when they have overcome your life and rid you of all common sense when it comes to your health and well being.  Without thinking, you automatically NEED to start your day with coffee or you “won’t be able to function.”  You HAVE to drink at least an entire pot or you “will not be able to make it through the day.”  Oh, and don’t forget the sugar rush that helps you to feel happy in the morning and stay awake as you head to the home stretch of your workday.  (You know, right around 3PM or so?)

These days, sugary, caffeinated drinks and snacks come in all shapes and sizes that include loads of chemicals on top of the addictive stimulants.  It has even become commonplace to practically live on them!  The cool can or packs are a sign of fitting in and acceptance for the kids while the adults and their magical hot cup with the ribbed cardboard around it signify POWAH…the power to make it through the day, to think, and for some, to be able to get their bodies moving!

Re-Thinking Your Cravings:  Can cravings be good for you?  You bet.  Cravings are your body’s way of triggering your brain to respond to a need.   For instance, if you are craving crunchy, salty, foods (like chips, for instance) your body may really be asking you for some much needed minerals.  If you NEED to have your morning coffee in order to function, your body may be asking for proper rest or time to de-stress.  When you can’t live without sweets, your body could be longing for the joy (or sweetness) in life.

It is important to understand your health from the inside out and to confront those things that you feel are out of control or that have a stronger hold on you than you’d like or even realize.  Balancing meals and lifestyle choices are a key factor in curbing craves.  A need for sugar can sometimes be easily curbed with the addition of more sweet root vegetables, beans and legumes and some time to stop and smell the flowers in life.  It may also be a longing for some alone time to be creative, dream, and live life to the fullest or scheduling time with your spouse, children, family, and friends. Bringing about moments of pleasure that feed the deepest part of you instead of instantly gratifying the need for outside stimulation.  After awhile, you reconnect with your innate intelligence and become aware of how your cravings are actually on your side.  Telling you everything you need to know and certainly supporting you in living more happy, healthy, and whole!

September 6, 2011

Delicious Healthy Veggie Chicken Stock

Prep/Cook Time: 2 Hrs                                                                        

Servings: 6-8

INGREDIENTS: Always use organic when possible.

  • 1 Whole Free Range Chicken
  • 1-2 Large Onions (rough cut)
  • 4 Celery Stalks (rough cut)
  • 4 Large Carrots (rough cut)
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper (rough cut)
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper (rough cut)
  • 4-6 Large Garlic Cloves (pressed)
  • Fresh or dried Basil (to taste)
  • Fresh or dried Parsley (to taste)
  • Sea Salt (to taste, about a Tbsp)
  • Water


  1. Prep all of your vegetables.  Rough cutting them is fine as long as they can fit in your stockpot.
  2. In a large stockpot, add in all the above ingredients and fill about ¾ of the way with water. (If you fill it to the top it can boil over.  You can always add more water at the end)
  3. Bring to a boil, cover and let simmer for about an hour and a half.
  4. Remove the chicken and all the vegetables.
  5. Skim the fat and strain the rest of the stock so you are left with a clear broth.

Variations: Use the vegetables only or use beef with the bone in for beef stock.  Can be divided and frozen for future use.  Great for all of your recipes that call for stock.

You Are What You Eat!

(A Short Bio on the Nutrient Density of the Main Ingredients)

Chicken (or animal) soup stocks as a whole: The nutrient density of homemade soup stocks come from the quality of the chicken (or beef) and the bones.  Make sure to choose organic, free-range animals that are fed their natural diet.  This will assure healthy, nourish-filled stocks that include above average nutrients such as: calcium, magnesium, collagen, glycine, gelatin, phosphorous, silicon and many trace minerals.  This improves your immune function, energy and bone density.  It also aids in digestion and gut health and helps to, not only deliver, but also utilize important nutrients that your body needs.  Broths are especially helpful for satisfying your body’s many cravings and are a superior way for people with fatigue, thyroid or adrenal problems to absorb minerals and regain strengthening energy.