Archive for July, 2011

July 4, 2011

Easy Berry Basil Sorbet

Prep Time: 15 min.                                                                                Servings: 4

INGREDIENTS: Always use organic when possible.

  • 4 Cups Fresh Summer Strawberries (freeze them first)
  • 1 Cup Any Other Seasonal Fruit like Banana or Peach (freeze it first)
  • ¼ Cup Fresh Basil (you can use more to your taste)
  • ½ Cup Coconut Water from 1 Young Coconut (or plain water)


  1. In a full sized blender or Vita Mix, blend the Basil and Coconut Water until smooth and fully incorporated.
  2. Add in frozen fruit and blend until smooth and thick. (You may need to add more water if too thick to blend)
  3. Scoop into small bowls and garnish with a fresh basil leaf or fresh berry.

You Are What You Eat!

(A Short Bio on the Nutrient Density of the Main Ingredients)

Basil:                          Contain volatile oils that carry anti-bacterial properties, anti-inflammatory benefits for health problems like rheumatoid arthritis or inflammatory bowel, good source of vitamin A, beta carotene, protects blood vessels from free radical damage, good source of magnesium which promotes good heart health, good source of iron, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C and K, good source of dietary fiber.

Strawberries:             High scoring antioxidant fruit, good for cardiovascular support and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improves the regulation of the blood sugars, cancer preventative, outstanding array of phytonutrients and flavonols, excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, good source of dietary fiber, potassium, folate, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamins B2, B5 and B6, and iodine and copper.

Coconut Water:        Contain vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese and zinc, contain electrolytes, enzymes, amino acids, cytokine and phyto-hormones

July 4, 2011

This Summer – Water Your Body!

Summer is a great time to get outdoors and play.  The weather is warming up, you can naturally breathe deeper, and your body has an urge to move around – making it vital for you to remember to hydrate!  Not only to quench your thirst but to optimize your overall health.  You may have heard that two-thirds of your body is made up of water.  If you actually thought about that – where IS all that water exactly and what is it doing in there?

First of all, think of some familiar parts – our brains, muscles, bones and blood are all mostly made up of water.  Throughout the entire body is an intricate “irrigation system” that monitors and delivers water where it is needed.  The moment water goes in, your body immediately distributes it.  It is vital to things like: digesting and absorbing vitamins and nutrients; it helps to flush the liver, kidney, and urinary tract of toxins, waste and bacteria; it keeps your skin healthy and supple; it improves your energy while increasing your mental and physical stamina; it keeps your blood hydrated enough to move fluidly throughout your entire body; it helps regulate your metabolism; it moisturizes your joints as well as your lungs; and transports oxygen to your cells.  While we are not listing every single thing that requires water in your body, you get the idea that water is very important.

Imagine, for example, that a gallon jug contains all the water your entire body needs to operate optimally.  There are four small holes in the jug that are continually open in order to release just the right amount of water within your body.  The more you move around, the more water your body uses from the jug.  If you leave the jug in the sun, this causes the water to evaporate and more of it gets used up. So say you do not replenish enough water in the jug.  What happens then? Your body can experience many mild to serious symptoms like darkened urine, tiredness, headaches and migraines, constipation, leg or muscle cramps, hunger, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and irregular blood pressure.  Say the jug goes down to 50% and you try to fill it all the way up at one time.  The holes in the jug are only a certain size and can only move the amount of water that fits through the hole.  Likewise, you can’t drink tons of water to make up for long-term dehydration.

It’s a good idea to develop a regime that includes water, especially during the summer months when it is hotter and your body is more active.  Drinking water, first thing in the morning, will help you to awaken your system and get your move on.  Coffee, tea, soft drinks, fruit juices, alcohol or any other kinds of flavored drinks don’t count as hydration as your body has to work harder to get to the actual water in the drink.  Some of them can actually cause you to dehydrate and all of them are no match for the pure nourishment that water gives your entire body from the inside out!